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Stake. Create.

BaseCPU is a revolutionary pixel game built on blockchain technology, offering players a unique gaming experience combined with the principles of decentralization and tokenomics. The game introduces the concept of land NFTs, staking mechanisms, reward systems, and the native token $CPU, providing players with opportunities for ownership, earning, and monetization within the game ecosystem.

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What We Offer

BaseCPU is a pixel game designed to provide players with an immersive gaming experience while leveraging the power of blockchain technology. In BaseCPU, players can explore, interact, and compete in a pixelated world where ownership of land NFTs, staking $CPU tokens, earning rewards, and monetizing gameplay are central elements.



BaseCPU offers an adventure-style gameplay where players navigate through a pixelated world, complete quests, battle opponents, and discover hidden treasures. The game world is divided into plots of land represented as unique NFTs, allowing players to own, trade, and develop their virtual properties.


Land NFTs

Land NFTs are digital assets representing plots of land within the game world. Each land NFT is unique and comes with specific attributes, such as terrain type, resources, and potential for development. Players can acquire land NFTs through gameplay, auctions, or trading with other players.



  • $CPU Token: The native token used for in-game transactions, staking, and rewards.

  • Staking Mechanism: Players can stake $CPU tokens to earn rewards, such as additional $CPU tokens, rare items, or exclusive access to in-game features.

  • Reward Systems: Players are rewarded with $CPU tokens for completing quests, winning battles, and achieving milestones within the game.

  • Token Sinks: Mechanisms such as transaction fees and burning mechanisms are implemented to maintain the balance of the token economy.



BaseCPU offers various monetization opportunities for players, including:

  • In-Game Purchases: Players can use $CPU tokens to purchase virtual goods, items, and upgrades within the game.

  • Premium Features: Exclusive features and content can be unlocked using $CPU tokens, providing players with enhanced gameplay experiences.

  • Partnership Opportunities: BaseCPU collaborates with other projects or brands to offer special promotions, events, and rewards, creating additional monetization channels for players.

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